GreatWine or Nothing - Laboratory Ideas

Jammertal Winery Villány

GreatWine or Nothing


Rethinking the brand, the appearance and messages of Jammertal Borbirtok was grateful, and suitable task for us.

Nagybor vagy semmi.



Many people do not know and do not properly appreciate the outstanding quality items of the Jammertal Borbirtok and the unparalleled services provided by the wine estate.

To show that wine and the culture of enjoying wine is much more than just drinking wine.


Values in the focus. Bringing closer the values of the wine estate, the professional dedication and human quality represented by the workers there.

Making the quality that Jammertal Borbirtok stands for understandable and tangible.

Reimagined tools

– Brand message
– Website design and content
– Social communication
– Communication: Large table. Filling the wine estate with stories.