Porsche Inter Auto Hungaria turned 30 years old
How could PIAH celebrate its birthday together with its customers in an unusual way? How would it become a unified, integrated communication, and how could the birthday message reach the widest possible audience?
Target group
Existing and future customers of Porsche Inter Auto Hungaria.
We prepared several parallel activations. Free service package to go with the purchase of a new Skoda, Volkswagen and Audi. A prize game tied to a purchase, with the main prize of a Volkswagen Golf GTI Clubsport.
In addition to all of these, by rethinking the usual promotions, we also suggested a very special way to celebrate the anniversary: let the brand take part in the Glamour days!
The Glamour coupons that can be redeemed for a discount until the end of the year, together with the spectacular Glamour daily deployment generated unprecedented media attention for PIAH’s 30th birthday, and of course drew attention to our other two activations as well.
We delivered the messages of the birthday activations to our diverse target group on many platforms. In addition to the classic ATL tools, TV, radio, giant posters, we appeared with online ads and messages on social media, as well as in dealerships with P.O.S. surfaces.